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包豪斯道路:历史、遗泽、世界与中国 杭间 / 靳埭强 / 胡恩威 PDF电子书-平面设计爱好者

包豪斯道路:历史、遗泽、世界与中国 杭间 / 靳埭强 / 胡恩威 PDF电子书

内容简介  · · · · · ·

作者简介  · · · · · ·



目录  · · · · · ·

包豪斯的真相/ The Truth about Bauhaus
起源:思想的沿革/ Origin: The Change of Thought
包豪斯之变/ The Transformation of Bauhaus
雄心:包豪斯1919 / Ambition:Bauhaus 1919
三任校长 三次诘问/ Three Headmasters, Three Blames
创见:教学体系/ Creation: Education System
展览与公共形象/Exhibition and Public Image
包豪斯群像/ Group Introduction of Bauhaus
包豪斯在美国 / Bauhaus in the America
大西洋对岸的那片“新大陆”/ The” New Land” on the other
side of the Atlantic Ocean
包豪斯进入美国/ Bauhaus entering in the America
那些新式的楼和房子/ The Building and House of New Style
设计和纯艺术的探险/ The Exploration of Design and Fine Art
结语/ Conclusion
乌尔姆的继承和批判/ The Inheritance and Criticism of Ulm
战后西德的设计语境/ The Design Environment of West Germany
after the War
乌尔姆的诞生/ The Birth of Ulm
乌尔姆和包豪斯/ Ulm and Bauhaus
模式:科技融合设计/ Mode: Combination of Technology
and Design
结局和意义/ Conclusion and Meaning
包豪斯在东德/ Bauhaus in East Germany
包豪斯在东德的发展概况/ The Development of Bauhaus in East
718联合厂/ 718 Joint Factory
包豪斯在日本 / Bauhaus in Japan
包豪斯在日本的概况/ The General Situation of Bauhaus in Japan
日本人来了又走了/ The Come and Go of the Japanese
包豪斯和日本设计基础教育及其流布/ Bauhaus and Japanese
Basic Education of Design and its Spread
柳宗理/ Sori Yanagi
中国与包豪斯/ China and Bauhaus
From 1920s to 1930s: First Meeting of China and Bauhaus
From 1940s to 1960s: The Tortuous Process of Bauhaus in
From 1970s to 1980s: The Misunderstanding
and Transformation of Bauhaus in China
中国对包豪斯的扬弃/ The Inheritance and Criticism of
Bauhaus in China
包豪斯在台湾、香港/ Bauhaus in Taiwan and Hongkong
参考文献/ References
后记/ Postscript
平面设计爱好者 » 包豪斯道路:历史、遗泽、世界与中国 杭间 / 靳埭强 / 胡恩威 PDF电子书